Creative ways to repurpose your Adri packaging

Use it as tiny little storage container for jewellery, change, snacks and more!

At Adri, we are committed to a greener, more sustainable future, and understand that wellness extends beyond our products. With a strong commitment to reducing our environmental burden, we push the reusability of our paper tube containers. Even though these are 100% recyclable containers, re-using them will empower you to join the movement towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Here are some cool ways to repurpose your Adri packaging and to have a little more fun. 

  1. On-the-go snacks: Instead of using disposable plastic bags, our little containers can hold your snacks and curb your hunger. Use them to hold any nuts, seeds, chocolates, etc. for a quick bite. They can even double up as mini garbage collectors to collect wrappers, fruit seeds, pistachio scraps, etc.
  2. Perfect seed starters: Save them for spring when you need to start building your summer garden. The inner lining of these containers will prevent moisture from the soil to seep into the outer layer. 
  3. DIY project for kids: Get creative with paper containers in arts and crafts projects. They can be painted, covered in decorative paper, or cut into various shapes to make unique creations
  4. We all scream for ice-cream! : Due to Adri’s robust packaging design, one ‘cool’ way to re-use these containers is to store home made ice-cream for that mid summer day treat! Try our Beetroot or Hibiscus powders for a recipe that is not only tasty but healthy too. 
  5. De-clutter: Our containers can also be used as desk organizers for your pens/pencils, paper clips, as craft organizers for beads, buttons or smaller pieces of fabric, or as travel containers for cotton balls or Q tips. You can also use them as spice containers in the kitchen

Every little effort we make towards safeguarding our environment, makes our home, our Earth a better place. 

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